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can you feel it?



feeling it yet?


wait for it….


its coming




Categories: Art, cats, dance dance dance, fashion and style, fetish, food, friends, Gluten free, health, HELLO KITTY, kink, life, make change, mexico, music, philosophy, rock n roll, Tattoos, toys, travel, Volunteering and Donations | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment


over three years ago now i made a major change in my life

i took a baby step towards the divine essence of life

note to readers:

i am not some happiness guru, veggie eating, yoga om hippie…i am more street/alley cat, hard core, tattoos and grit…so referencing self help gurus is not my thing..yet in this case ..i found myself in it and the letting go of “most” of my materialistic mind frame ..well except more tattoos 😉

end of note

i stepped away from the collective insanity

an “awakening” some say or at very least a shift in my consciousness

material things became less important…

i seemed to lose my emotional attachment to that table that belonged to my dad.

i’m not perfect nor totally “there” yet ….i still have loads of his books i have not parted with and i  cannot even begin to think of getting rid of them…who doesn’t wanna read Winston Churchill’s ramblings on war?

..yet i feel lighter

and thus happier

i smile for no reason at all …with  a pureness and “who cares who is watching attitude” at the oddest of moments.  like when i riding the “red rocket in toronto” or chasing down butterflies on the bike path to the beach.

i took a 6 month “holiday” from the beach to live in what is now known as the winter of the “POLAR VORTEX” <- really… wtf is that?

awwwwww yes its what most folks call WINTER.

any who…

we ( mr.tacoman and i ) did a 6 month spell in winter-wonder-land aka canada…it was good

snow angel love

snow angel love


and its was ugly also

flips flops in the snow

flips flops in the snow

but what i learned 3 years ago is still true today

…that i am happier south than north.

i am lighter, less stressed and smile and laugh for no reason and i love talking to strangers that smile and say hello back

not to be mean to those that live somewhere cold and grey and without much love and light….the beach rules…and the city drools

ok ok a lil immature i agree but its true and if you can swing i recommend this life to EVERYONE…if its not…than at very least try not to over work, over analyze, over stress, over spend,…give yourself to the idea that you don’t need that new cell phone or that new pair of shoes or whatever it is you spend spend spend on to make you smile.

do something for the soul…whatever that may be…dance, do yoga .. i hate yoga so not selling anything 😉 ..take a class in something you never saw yourself doing->  jump out of your box..it can be scary but the thrill is so worth it .

buen suerte!!



Categories: Art, Family, feet and toes, friends, health, HELLO KITTY, humour, life, lifestyles, philosophy, Tattoos, travel, Volunteering and Donations | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

the lil things that can make all the difference

i’m sticking with the idea that “humanity, love and a general sense of togetherness” is NOT completely dead.


i get how the idea of making a difference can be so overwhelming when all we see on the news is people being poisoned in Syria, women and girls being stoned for being raped ( sex outside marriage) , young people are shooting at each other and innocents, sadness and destruction seem to prevail in our visual and written news.  popular entertainment of today seems to be reality shows were the viewer can watch and then judge who can be the best liar, best cheat, and back stabber. we reward those with the worst human behaviors.  tv shows are about brutal serial killers, the life of gangs, vampires, zombies and scary creatures….is there any wonder the kids are scared, bullying each other, acting out and sometimes worse.

…this is what they see…we all see -> everyday.

 WE MUST CHANGE THE CHANNEL   ….a “good news” channel perhaps or “happiness network” maybe !


 WE can make small changes and hope that our kids, our friends and families, our neighbours, our politicians learn from our example.

 no idea how to facilitate change??

well here are just a few ideas….i am sure you can come up with a few of your own

but really now…..  it cannot get any easier than number 1 or number 11.

 1. Wake up. ~Karen Maezen Miller

2. Make a difference in yourself, for the better. Such an inward difference always has rippling outward benefits. ~Hansoul Kim

3. Remember there are three poisons: greed, anger and ignorance. Do not deny their existence but turn them around and you have generosity, compassion and wisdom. ~Clifton Bradley

4. Make it a habit to respect everyone. ~Margarita Medina

5. Consider the people you see each day. Sometimes I get wrapped up in things I am working on— fundraisers etc. But the coworker, family member, pet right next to you are the people you can truly reach and touch. ~Amy E. Moore

6. Operate from a place of love. ~ Erika Gonzalez

7. Be kind to others. In this busy world people become self consumed and forget that kindness goes a long way. ~ Ana Stuckart

8. Acknowledge the light within myself and in others. Not always easy to do but feels so powerful when I am able to do so. ~Maria Thieme

9. Talk to someone that you think might be in distress. You may make the difference of a lifetime. ~Alexander De Raadt St.James

10. Simply show up. Just by put your soul into it. If you show up physically with the soles of your feet, the heart, mind, and soul will have a chance to follow or catch up. You may not want to be there in the beginning but showing up allows a committed chance at making a difference everyday for the people you love, the people you will meet, and the eventual person you will become. Show up. ~Holli Grant

11. Smile. ~ Seret Rafferty


 12. Be more involved in the world. You can’t be spectator forever. ~Christina Breeden

 13. Be the change you wish to see in the world! ~April Spears paraphrasing Gandhi

14. Be gentle and practice sympathetic joy. ~Susan Cross

15. Start really listening to the people around you. Your family for example. People crave for attention. People feel loved when given attention.. Give love. And listening is an act of love. ~Leoni Erica Tayamen

16. Listen. Give. Do. ~Phyllis Fenander

 17. Teach your kids by example; be caring, open minded, have good manners and remember to smile. ~Paivi McKittrick

18. Look into your child’s eyes. Stop what you are doing, sit down, and just look into them. Do that every day and you will change the world. ~Noel Cocca

19. Be a true you…positive energy attracts. ~Jane George

20. Love. ~Stephen Kreins

21. I quote the great Horatio Lee Jenkins: “Don’t worry—everything is going to be awesome!” ~Carl Dangers

22. Find someone that needs a smile, and give them that smile, once a day for the rest of your life and like a ripple in a pond it will be carried onwards. ~SoulLife Searcher

23. Speak without saying a word. A lot can be said without words. ~Ralph Rocha

24. Learn to be aware of all the wonder we have around us, let the past be in the past and not part of the future. Choose life every day, be grateful for whatever you have, and most important share, share, share—spread as much love as you can. ~Lula Insfran

25. Hakuna mattata, one love, pay it forward. ~Kerin Colby

i have too often heard ” nobody likes change”


….when we make it happen

…don’t just sit there

…. be apart of the change…one small step at a time



list stolen from the tiny buddah

Categories: animals, Art, cats, dance dance dance, Family, friends, health, HELLO KITTY, humour, life, lifestyles, music, philosophy, travel, Volunteering and Donations | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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