Monthly Archives: June 2009

buBBles from Freestyle Factory

Bubbles make me smile
Everything  circles back around  eventually
Even those fashions we would prefer never to see  again

some of us are walking in circles….i broke out of the square box to live in my very own bubbly  life

………..always seeking new experiences… I finally found the right people  and theme  for my branding

bubbly kitty

bubbly kitty

Some like it hot…Hot….HOT

red means HOT

red means HOT

i ♥ TORCHure



The intensity of a brand vs a tattoo was described to me as this   ………..“ if a tattoo is a thread of string, a brand is a rope”  at that point I had the clearest sense of what it would feel like and I concur completely.

laughter is the best medicine

laughter is the best medicine

thank you Cass and Candy;  the lovely ladies that make up


modifying ones body takes time and a whole lotta pick, pick, picking
first peel of scabs was on day 7



scalpeling aide BOBBY VALEN helped take the tension off


awwwwwwwwww relief..the pain a few scabs can cause…………………….gezzzzzzzz who knew?

DSC00998 DSC01007


day 10

second pick/peel on day 10…
not as easy…the bubbles closer to my knee were deeper  and more puckered around the edges thus no “peel” occurred ….picking small pieces off one by one …grosssssssssssssssss…thankful to have my scab happy friend  to help me

sleep was a bit restless for the first week and left my bed looking like a DNA collection swab

 DNA crop circles

DNA crop circles

i look forward to seeing the end results…in about 6 to 12 months…what??????

for now i am blissful and madly in love with my bubbles that are PRIDE ready

day 16

day 16


Categories: body modification, Branding, fashion and style, HELLO KITTY, lifestyles | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

kitty’s fury, wrinkled and weird friends

sometimes there is nothing better than just hanging with your buds

DICKing around with kato

DICKing around with kato

lubji the lesbo


not everyone is happy to have pussy on top



and then there are those friends of the same FUR

lumpy as "the grinch"

lumpy as "the grinch"

jack "in the box"

jack "in the box"

lil monster

lil monster

halo kitty

halo kitty

halo ♥'s me's true LOVE

halo kitty ♥'s me

and it’s mad crazy love

……….. for a little international flare….kitty heads to the zoo to see her well traveled friends

horny bison

horny bison

sammie the turtle

sammie the turtle

the shy one…..

wrinkles the rhino

wrinkles the rhino

kitty’s  newest  crush…..

lionEL the hippy tamarin

lionEL the hippy tamarin

bubba is a bit fishy

bubba is a bit fishy

huMps the caMel

huMps the caMel


pretty boi peaCOCK

pretty boi peaCOCK

..hello kitty had a farm…eeeeeeeeee…I…..eeeeeeeeee…I…Oooooooo


Categories: animals, HELLO KITTY, humour, lifestyles | Tags: , , | 4 Comments

boozy nights and boi’s in the park

you know there are some minutes/days/weeks and months of NONE STOP drinking

..must be summer

after  a night of vodka on a friend’s patio it was a dash for last call(s) @ 751 and the gladdy

note to self : get lights for the HK mobile…insane riding through the  “last call” craziness in downtown club district EEK

tipsy kitty

tipsy kitty

made it safely but probably didn’t that last drink

woke up LATE on saturday …missed my gym date…BOO..bad kitty

………felt a tad slow..and in need of  some sunshine and fun @ the park

it was  quickly decided it was going to be an “upskirt” day

swinging good times

swinging good times

and  some fun on the play ground

kitty on a slipper slope

kitty on a slipper slope

matching  heads and bodies

matching heads and bodies

one is a lonely number @ the park…

anyone want to play?

anyone want to play?

thankfully that is when these  boi’s rolled up!

here kitty ...kitty

here kitty ...kitty

…how to recoup from the night before…

replenish your VITamins

replenish your VITamins

get some excercise

get some excercise

get outside nd hang with some friends

hang with some friends

all in all a good weekend


Categories: HELLO KITTY, humour, lifestyles | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

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