Posts Tagged With: allergies

a – CHOO

gluten ……… a special type of protein that is commonly found in rye, wheat and barley… is found in most types of cereals and in many types of bread. hell it seems to be in everything and be a big part in making your food stay together when it is cooked.

this word was not in my vocabulary 10 months ago.

the lemon aid diet i did back in december, although not my cup of tea to do did provide me with some new insight and i do actually feel better and have fewer food issues now….i’ve sampled cheese, goat is tasty. i’ve had some  beer, one is fine but 3 is too many. i’m off butter but back on eggs. i had some dark chocolate..lovely! seems dairy is less of an issue.

i also have my appointment with the allergist….my first step in trying to assess what is happening to me….am i allergic to some foods, is it a sensitivity or is it all psychosomatic?

not left = not allergic

and apparently….

nor is the other left

nor is the other left

yep..not even to  berries!!! all those times i broke out in hives, had soft tissue swelling of the lips, tongue, face, nausea, feeling hot and itchy and the pain…was nothing?

i sorta feel like going a lil crazy and eating a bunch of raspberries….but i keep thinking about that bottle of wine i had a few years back…just 2 glasses with dinner in 2007……woke up the next morning my  face on fire..swollen face and neck, red from the cheeks down to my throat..prickly rash covering my entire back, my tongue thickening …off to the hospital i went that day. …and what about the recurring  eczema and hives i’ve had over the past few years…but less and less as i have ruled out more and more foods.

allergic…not allergic?

allergist doc x. says “no”

i’m going with my physical reactions and doing more research before i eat that dreamy strawberry shortcake *yum yum*


Categories: food, Gluten free, health, HELLO KITTY, lifestyles | Tags: , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

what’s for dinner?

i have been on an eating spree…

my loving friend Shawna A. Mazing gave me some cook books and i actually tried a few of the recipes

and now i am making variations of 3 of the meals from  Food Allergy Survival Guide …salads galore but the “sensational stuffed squash” is a fav of mine this time of year…….but when i find i am sans squash… just making the stuffing of brown rice, beans, kidney and or chickpea carrots, celery, onion, bok choy

textured  and tasteful food

textured and tasteful food

…and yes…sometimes i add meat.

…tonight was smoked chichken made by a very helpful and resourceful friend. thanks dave

Categories: food | Tags: , , , , , , | 2 Comments

where’s the gluten?

i’m hungry

when i wake up i’m hungry

i usually fall asleep a wee bit hungry

and i am starving throughout most of my day.

i am hungry.


……in the past year i have discovered after numerous tests and trails that i can no longer tolerate wheat, gluetn or dairy in my diet for health related reasons…so strong that i actually HAVE to  follow the new diet…and i do.

this means    NO dairy, or cheese, milk, butter, creme cheese spreads, extra large double double’s from timmies and the occasssional donut,  NO bread…you know the  fresh from the bakery, soft and doughy stuff……and anything wheat is in…and that is almost EVERYTHING i am learning.

i did not crave sugar and dairy until i could no longer have it.

do you know what gluten is?

its that mysterious something that makes everything stick together and have a tasty texture

i miss that..texture and taste


i am on a mission now …i spend many hours a day just foraging for my food…. okay well…..

thinking about IT,

researching IT,

planning IT,

preparing IT.

trying to figure out the *WHERE TO BUY* IT… is a whole new world of frustration..let alone the bank loan one needs to take out

my friends are incredible and are trying to help me and fit me into their worlds so i do not  miss out on fun foodie times…bbqing, parties, much revolves around FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD

so they shop for me..i LOVE my friends


wheat gluten free bread from The Bread Box * 24 Brydon Drive Toronto, M9W5R6*

wheat free kitty

wheat free kitty

but i gotta say..something is different about this bread…it’s is harder..feels different and has a sweet and salty taste to it..even toasted kitty doesn’t make it much tastier….but she does try


..i love to eat dishes….being served….drinks…i miss that  life…and i’ve been craving.

….guilt laden food….fatty…..fried

entre …….Deep Blue Fish and Chips

provides just that..a glimpse into the “bad” world…….. but offers gluten and wheat free battered fish old skoool styles..along with tradtional fish n chips , jamican jerk and a delicious crab cake my friend tells me….

deep blue

deep blue

catch of the day..gluten free

catch of the day..gluten free

yummy..but you can’t fool me…..

it DOES taste different..

2 ppl, 2 pops. 2 baskets of fish and sweet potato chips..cost $21

fabulously quirky service by the guy with the eyes the colour of the sky.

eating adventures to continue


Categories: food, HELLO KITTY, humour | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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